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Тайны языческих богов - Эдвин Оливер Джеймс читать онлайн бесплатно

Тайны языческих богов - Эдвин Оливер Джеймс - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Эдвин Оливер Джеймс

Ellis, W., Polynesian Researches, 1829.

Elkin, A. P., The Australian Aborigines, Sydney, 1938. Evans-Pritchard, E. E., Nuer Religion, Oxford, 1956.

Evans, I. H. N., Ethnology and Archaeology ofthe Malay Peninsula, Cambridge, 1927.

Frazer, Sir J. G., Belief in Immortality; vol. i, 1913.

Hose, С., and McDougall, W., The Pagan Tribes of Borneo, 2 vols., 1912.

Lumholtz, C., Unknown Mexico, 1903.

Malinowski, B., Argonauts of the Western Pacific, 1922.

Rivers, W. H. R., History of Melanesian Society vol. i, Cambridge, 1914.

Routledge, W. S., The Mystery of Easter Island, 1919.

Rutter, O., The Pagans of North Borneo, 1929.

Schebesta, P., Among the Forest Dwarfs of Malaya, 1929 Seligman, C. G., The Melanesians of British New Guinea. Cambridge, 1910.

Skeat, W. W., and Blagden, С. О., Pagan Races of the Malay Peninsula. 2 vols., 1906.

Spencer, B., Wanderings in Wild Australia, 2 vols., 1928.

Turner, G., Samoa, 1884; Nineteen Years in Samoa, 1861.

Williamson, R. W., The Maftdu Mountain People in British New Guinea, 1912.


Brunton, G., and Caton-Thompson, G., The Badarian Civilization, 1928.

Childe, V. G., Prehistoric Communities of the British Isles, 1949.

Evans, Sir A. J., The Palace of Minos, vols. i and iv, 1922—35.

Harrison, J. E., Prolegomena to the Study of Greek Religion, Cambridge, 1903; Themis, Cambridge, 1912.

Kendrick, T. D., The Archaeology of the Channel Islands, 1928.

Levy, G. R., The Gate of Horn, 1948.

Luquet, G. H., The Art and Religion of Fossil Man, Oxford, 1930.

Mackay, E. J. H., Further Excavations at Mohenjo'daro, 1937.

Malinowski B., The Father in Primitive Psychology, 1927; Sexual Life of Savages in North-western Melanesia, 1929.

Marshall, Sir John, Mohenjo 'daro and the Indus Valley Civilization, 1931.

Obermaier, H., Fossil Man in Spain, Yale Press, 1925.

Petrie, Sir Flinders, Prehistoric Egypt, 1920.

Piggott, S., Prehistoric India, 1950; The Neolithic Cultures of the British Isles, 1954

Pumpelly, R., Explorations in Turkestan, Carnegie Institute, 1906—8.

Stein, Sir A., Memoirs Arch. Survey of India, No. 37, 1925.

Tobler, A. J., Excavations at Tepe Gawra, Philadelphia, 1950.

Vats, M. S., Excavations at Harappa, 1940. Woolley, Sir L., The Development of Sumerian Art, 1935.

Zammit, T., Prehistoric Malta, Oxford, 1930; The Hal-Saflieni Prehistoric Нурogeum, Malta, 1910.


Atkinson, R. J. С., Stonehenge, 1956.

Blackman, А. М., Luxor and its Temples, 1923.

Breasted, J. H., Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt, 1914,

Breuil, H., Quatre cents siucles d'art parietal, Montignac, 1954; La Caverne d’Altamira, Monaco, 1909.

Brodrick, A. H., Lascaux: A Commentary, 1948.

Erman, A., and Blackman, A. М., The Literature of the Ancient Egyptians, 1927.

Evans, Sir A. J., The Palace of Minos, vols. n and iii, 1928— 30.

Famell, L. R., Cult of the Greek States, vol. iii, Oxford, 1907.

Frankfort, H., Kingship and the Gods, Chicago, 1947; Ancient Egyptian Religion, Chicago, 1948; The Intellectual A Venture of Ancient Man, Chicago, 1946.

Frazer, Sir J. G., The Golden Bough, part iv, 1914.

Caster, Т., Thespis, New York, 1950.

Harrison, J. E., Ancient Art and Ritual, 1913.

Kramer, S. N., Sumerian Mythology, Philadelphia, 1944.

Langdon, S., The Babylonian Epic of Creation, Oxford, 1923.

Lemozi, A., La Grotte-Temple du Pech-Merle, Paris, 1929.

Levy, G. R., The Gate of Horn, 1948.

Marett, R. R., The Threshold of Religion, 1914.

Moret, A., Du caracture religieux de la royaute Pharaonique, Paris, 1909.

Nilsson, M. P., Minoan-Mycenaean Religion, Oxford, 1927; Greek Popular Religion, New York, 1940.

Pallis, S. A., The Babylonian Akitu Festival, Kobenhavn, 1926.

Persson, A. W., The Religion of Greece in Prehistoric Times, California, 1942.

Spencer, W. B., and Gillen, F. J., The Native Tribes of Central Australia, 1938; Northern Tribes of Central Australia, 1904.

Wainwright, G. A., The Sky-Religion in Egypt, Cambridge, 1938.

Windels, F., The Lascaux Cave Paintings, 1949.


Breasted, J. Н., Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt, 1914. Budge, Sir E. A. W., Tutankhamon, Amenism, Atonism and Egyptian Monotheism, 1923.

Childe, V. G., The Aryans, 1926.

Cook, A. B., Zeus, 3 vols., Cambridge, 1914—38.

Evans-Pritchard, E. E., Nuer Religion, Oxford, 1956.

Famell, L. R., The Cult of the Greek States, vol. i, Oxford, 1896. Frankfort, H., Kingship and the Gods, Chicago, 1948.

Frazer, Sir J. G., The Worship of Nature, 1926; The Golden Bough, parts ii and x, 1914.

Gadd, C. J., The Idea of Divine Rule in the Ancient East, Oxford, 1948.

Haddon, A. C., The Study of Man, 1898.

Heidel, A., The Babylonian Genesis, Chicago, 1950; TheGilgamesh Epic, Chicago, 1951.

Howitt, A. W., Native Tribes of Southeast Australia, 1904.

Lang, A., The Making of Religion, 1898.

Murray, G., Five Stages of Greek Religion, Oxford, 1925.

Nilsson, M. P., History of Greek Religion, Oxford, 1925.

Rose, H. J., Handbook of Greek Mythology, 1933.

Schmidt, P. W., Der Ursprungder Gottesidee, Munster, 1912—54. Shetelig, H., and Falk, H., Scandinavian Archaeology, Oxford, 1937.

Spencer, W. B., and Gillen, F. J., Native Tribes of Central Australia, 1938.

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