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Великие противостояния в науке. Десять самых захватывающих диспутов - Хал Хеллман - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Хал Хеллман

Wilford, John Noble. «A New Look at Dinosaurs». New York Times Magazine, February 7, 1982, pp. 22ff.

8. Вегенер против всех

Cowan, Ron. «Getting the Drift on Continental Shifts». Science News, February 12,1994, p. 110.

Dalziel, Ian W. D. «Earth Before Pangea». Scientific American, January 1995, pp. 58–63.

Gohau, Gabriel. A History of Geology. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1990. (Главы 15,16 и 17.)

Kerr, Richard A. «Earth’s Surface May Move Itself». Science, September 1,1995a, v269n5228, pp. 1214–1215.

Kerr, Richard A. «How Far Did the West Wander?» Science, May 5,1995b, v268, pp. 635–637. (Рассказ о современных противоречиях между геологами и геофизиками.)

Le Grand, H. E. Drifting Continents and Shifting Theories.

Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1988. Marvin, Ursula B. Continental Drift: The Evolution of a Concept.

Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1974.

Miller, Russell. Continents in Collision. Alexandria, VA: Time-Life Books, 1983. (He самая последняя информация, но предлагается превосходный исторический материал с хорошими иллюстрациями.)

Monastersky, Richard. «Tibet Reveals Its Squishy Underbelly». Science News, December 7,1996a, p. 356.

Monastersky, Richard. «Why Is the Pacific So Big? Look Down Deep». Science News, October 5,1996b, p. 213.

Moores, Eldridge. «The Story of Earth». Earth, December 1996, pp. 30–33. (Тектоника плит.)

Nelson, К. Douglas. «Partially Molten Middle Crust beneath Southern Tibet: Synthesis of Project INDEPTH Results». Science, December 6,1996, v274n5293, pp. 1684–1687.

Pool, Robert. «Plot Thickens in Earth’s Inside Story». New Scientist, September 21,1996, p. 19.

Romm, James. «A New Forerunner for Continental Drift». Nature, February 3, 1994, pp. 407–408.

Rossbacher, Lisa A. Recent Revolutions in Geology. New York: Franklin Watts, 1986.

Staff. «Did the Earth Ever Freeze Over?» New Scientist, July 30, 1994, p. 17.

Staff. «Two Plates Are Better Than One». Science News, August 19,1995, p. 123.

Sullivan, Walter. Continents in Motion: The New Earth Debate, second edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1991.

Svitil, Kathy A. «The Mantle Moves Us». Discover, June 1996, p. 34.

Taylor, S. Ross. «The Evolution of Continental Crust». Scientific American, January 1996, pp. 76–81.

Thompson, Susan J. A Chronology of Geological Thinking from Antiquity to 1899. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1988.

Van Andel, Tjeerd H. New Views on an Old Planet: A History of Global Change, second edition. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1994.

Wegener, Alfred. The Origin of Continents and Oceans. New York: Dover Publications, 1966. (Translation of fourth edition, 1929.)

Windley, Brian F. The Evolving Continents, second edition. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1984.

9. Джохансон против Лики

Altmann, Jeanne. «Out of East Africa» (essay review oi Ancestral Passions, by Morell). Science, November 24,1995, v270, pp. 1381–1383.

Augereau, Jean-Franpois. «New Views on the Origins of Man». World Press Review, August 1994, v41n8, p. 42.

Bower, B. «Oldest Fossil Ape May Be Human Ancestor». Science News, April 19,1997, vl51, p. 239.

Boynton, Graham. «Digging for Glory» (essay review of Ancestral Passions,oy Morell). Audubon,January 1996,pp. 102,105.

Clark, G. A., and Lindly, J. M. «Modern Human Origins in the Levant and Western Asia: The Fossil and Archeological Evidence». American Anthropology, 1989, v91, pp. 962–978.

Culotta, Elizabeth. «New Hominid Crowds the Field». Science, August 18,1995, v269n5226, p. 918.

Current Biography Yearbook, 1995. «Richard Leakey». New York: H. W. Wilson, 1995, pp. 340–343.

da Silva, Wilson. «Human Origins Thrown into Doubt». New Scientist, March 29, 1997, p. 18.

Dorfman, Andrea, et al. «Not So Extinct After All». Time, December 23,1996, pp. 68–69.

Economist. «Ancestral Passions: The Leakey Family and the Quest for Humankind’s Beginnings». July 22,1995, v336n7924, p.83.

Economist. «Continental Drift». February 26,1994,p. 87. (Doubts about African origin of humans.)

Economist «Scientific Books: Origins». June 20, 1981, p. 113. Economist. «Skulls and Numbskulls». November 21, 1992, v325n7786, p. 103.

Falk, Dean. «The Mother of Us All?» Bioscience, February 1995, v45n2, pp. 108–110. (Review of Ancestors: In Search of Human Origins, by Johanson, Johanson, and Edgar.)

Freeman, Karen. «More Recent Migration of Humans from Africa Is Seen in DNA Study». New York Times, June 4, 1996, p. 11.

Gibbons, Ann. «Homo Erectus in Java: A 250000-Year Anachronism». Science, December 13,1996, v274, pp. 1841–1842.

Golden, Frederick. «First Lady of Fossils, Mary Nicol Leakey: 1913–1996». Time, December 23,1996, p. 69.

Gore, Rick. «Expanding Worlds». National Geographic, May 1997a, pp. 84–109.

Gore, Rick. «The First Steps». National Geographic, February 1997b, pp. 72–99. (Цикл статей «Происхождение человека».)

Gorman, Christine. «On Its Own Two Feet». Time, August 28, 1995, pp. 58–60.

Johanson, Donald C. «Face-to-Face with Lucy’s Family». National Geographic, March 1996, pp. 96–117.

Johanson, Donald С «A Skull to Chew On». Natural History, May 1993, pp. 52, 53. (Черный череп KNM-WT 17000 и параллельная эволюция.)

Johanson, Donald C, and Blake, Edgar. From Lucy to Language. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1996.

Johanson, Donald C, and Edey, Maitland. Lucy: The Beginnings of Humankind. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1981.

Johanson, Donald C, Johanson, Lenora, and Edgar, Blake. Ancestors: In Search of Human Origins. New York: Villard Books, 1994.

Johanson, Donald C, and Shreeve, James. Lucy’s Child: The Discovery of a Human Ancestor. New York: Morrow, 1989.

Johanson, Donald C, and White, Tim D. «A Systematic Assessment of Early African Hominids». Science, 1979, v202, pp. 321–330.

Kern, Edward P. H. «Battle of the Bones: A Fresh Dispute over the Origins of Man». Life, December 1981, pp. 109–120.

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