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Каббалистические видения. - Сенфорд Дроб - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Сенфорд Дроб

[88]Jung, "On the Nature of Dreams,"CW8,§ 474; Jung,Dreams,p. 77.

[89]Для Юнга сновидения чрезвычайно переменны в своем значении. Он пишет: "Сновидения могут содержать неизбежные истины, философские заявления, иллюзии, дикие фантазии, воспоминания, планы, ожидания, иррациональный опыт, даже телепатические видения, и только небеса знают что еще". Qung, "The Practical Use of Dream-Analysis," CW 16, § 317; reprinted in Jung, Dreams, p. 95).

[90]Jung, "General Aspects of Dream Psychology,"CW8,§ 555; Jung,Dreams,p. 33.

[91]Azriel, "Explanation of the Ten Sefirot," in Joseph Dan, ed.,The Early Kab­balah,trans. R. C. Kiener (New York: Paulist, 1986), p. 94.

[92]On the coincidence of opposites in Jewish mysticism, see S. Drob, "The Doctrine ofCoincidentia Oppositorumin Jewish Mysticism," www.newkabbalah .com. On this doctrine in Jung, see, for example, chap. 3oЈ Mysterium Coni-unctionis,"The Personification of the Opposites," andAnswer to Job,chaps. 17, 19. InPsychology and Alchemy,Jung states: "The self is made manifest in the opposites and the conflicts between them; it is acoincidentia oppositorum'Qung,Psychology and Alchemy, CW 12,p. 186).

[93]See Drob,Symbols of the Kabbalah,chap. 9, "Tikkun ha-Olam:The Restora­tion of the World," pp. 363-412.

[94]Jung, "General Aspects of Dream Psychology," CW 8, § 473; Jung,Dreams,p. 33; cf. § 491, p. 40. Jung further says that in interpreting dreams one "should give up all his theoretical assumptions and should in every single case be ready to construct a totally new theory of dreams" (Jung, "The Prac­tical Use of Dream-Analysis," CW 16, § 317; Jung,Dreams,p. 95).

[95]Zohar 1:199b; Tishby and Lachower,Wisdom of the Zohar,2:822.

[96]Quoted in Anthony Shafton,Dream Reader(Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1995), p. 115.

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